Thursday, December 15, 2016

What does the Chief Justice of the United States do?

Today's DJ features an article by John Rabiej, director of the Duke Law Center for Judicial Studies, titled The Many Jobs of Chief Justice John G. Roberts that outlines what the Chief has to do apart from deciding our nation's most important cases and presiding at SCOTUS.

    Official roberts CJ.jpg
  • "Roberts is responsible for the management of the federal judiciary, and he is accountable to Congress for his stewardship."
  • "Roberts oversees a $7.58 billion budget to run the Supreme Court, 13 circuit courts, 94 district courts, probation and pretrial services, defender services, juror systems, interpreting services, court security, the Administrative Office (AO), the Federal Judicial Center (FJC) and the Sentencing Commission. In all, more than 27,000 bodies work in the federal judiciary."
  • This includes "179 circuit judgeships, 677 district court judgeships, 389 bankruptcy judgeships (including 33 temporary judgeships) and more than 500 magistrate judge positions -- all under Roberts' management."
  • "Roberts also deals with Congress, leads the state court judiciaries, serves as the Smithsonian Institution's chancellor and is obliged to perform ceremonial duties as head of the judicial branch."
Remember: Any true appellate nerd will take umbrage at the phrasing "Chief Justice of the Supreme Court" -- he is the "Chief Justice of the United States."