The role of federal Courts of Appeals in protecting the rights of Americans in criminal and civil cases is the focus of a U.S. Courts educational video featuring two appellate judges, a clerk of court, and an appellate court administrative specialist.

The panel discussion, titled “Knowledge Seminar: an Inside Look at the Appellate Courts,” was held March 31 in Washington, D.C. Panelists included Judge Roger L. Gregory, Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals;
Judge N. Randy Smith, Ninth Circuit; Margaret Carter, Clerk of Court, First Circuit; and Leeann Yufanyi, Deputy Chief, Court Services Office at the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. The video of the question-and-answer session also includes a brief educational summary of the Courts of Appeals’ structure and function.
Watch the video (72 minutes).
Also of note: Q&A: Judge Posner on Writing, Law School and Cat Videos ("I think there is no need for terminological complexity in law. I think everything we do, the judges do, can be expressed in ordinary English. And I would think it very desirable for opinions to be written in a way that everybody can read it.") And see
Posner Slam Confusing Jargon (“Judicial opinions are littered with stale, opaque, confusing jargon. There is no need for jargon, stale or fresh. Everything judges do can be explained in straightforward language—and should be.”)
Read more:
Today is the day, in 1896, when SCOTUS upheld the constitutionality of 'separate but equal' in Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537. An article on this anniversary is here. If you're lucky enough to find yourself in the French Quarter of New Orleans, put down that hurricane and head over to the Louisiana Supreme Court
building. On the first floor is a
museum displaying original documents from
Photo by your humble SCAN correspondent taken April 28, 2016. |
And since we're sharing photos from NOLA, here are a few more taken last month. (We're dropping "California" from this blog's name just for purposes of this post, making it
Southern Appellate News...)
Outside the entrance to the LA SC (that's Louisiana Supreme Court!).
No photos (or guns!) allowed inside. 1st floor museum; 2d floor library;
3d floor Court of Appeal for the Parish; 4th floor Supreme Court. |
Inside the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals:
Flags of the three 5th Cir. states plus the 5th Cir.'s flag. |
5th Circuit hallway. |
5th Cir. Attorney waiting room.
Note how the screen shows which case is being argued,
so you can enter the courtroom when you case is being called. |
One of the three courtrooms. |