Thursday, May 19, 2016

OCBA Forms Criminal Law Section

Today's DJ reports on yesterday's "first meeting of the Criminal Law Section of the Orange County BarAssociation, an unprecedented group of judges, private practice attorneys, deputy district attorneys and public defenders from the state and federal level." The group "plans to meet six times a year - next in July - with brown bag lunch discussions and presentations aimed at fostering better relationships in a system strained by allegations of prosecutor misconduct and overreaching conspiracy theories by public defenders."

Sounds good; but why is this of appellate interest?
Image result for ocbaWilliam W. Bedsworth, Associate Justice
Well, Justice Bedsworth gave the keynote address, making the following comments: "You should be drinking beers and watching ball games with [each other]. We did 45 years ago, and the smart ones among us still do." "If you can't do it because it makes your life better because these are such wonderful people, do it because it will make your life better professionally."
Image result for ocba
OCBA? Beer? Sounds great!