Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The DJ's Superior Court Appellate Scores for 2015

The DJ's Inside Insight column (a frequent inside cover-page to the DJ's Daily Appellate Report) for January 7, 2016, has compiled 2015 "scores" for the California Superior Courts, calculating that 52% of published Court of Appeal opinions affirm the trial court, with an "average reversal rate just above one-third." ("Mixed opinions (in which lower court rulings were partially affirmed and partially reversed) were excluded from this table.")
Image result for grades"Of courts reviewed more than 15 times, San Francisco Superior Court leads other with affirmance rate near 70 percent; Orange County lowest among same group, affirmed 34 percent of instances. Los Angeles' rates nearly track state average." There's a full chart of data from Alameda to Yuba. Ten counties did not have a trail court ruling resulting in a published opinion."

Today's DJ features Dean Chemerinsky's The US Supreme Court in 2016, "[l]ooking ahead to what is in store from the U.S. Supreme Court in 2016..."

Today's Recorder features Myron Moskovitz in How Trial Lawyers Can Help Appellate Lawyers Win:
1. Order a court reporter for every hearing.
2. Don't waive your rights.
3. Get a ruling.
4. Make an offer of proof.
5. If you're winning, make the trial court look good.
6. If you're losing make the trial court look bad.