Thursday, November 12, 2015

It depends on what the meaning of "and" is.

Image result for hendiadysToday's DJ features UCLA Law Prof. Samuel Bray's piece titled "This and that and the Constitution," a preview into his forthcoming law review article about hendiadys in the Constitution. What?! Never heard that term before? Well, he explains:
Hendiadys - pronounced "hen-DIE-u-dus" - is a figure of speech. It is the use of two terms, separated by a conjunction, that work together as a single unit of meaning. For example, if a farmer says his cow is "nice and fat," he does not mean two things: first, the cow has a pleasant disposition; second, the cow is weighty. He means just one thing: The cow is nicely fat, quite fat. This figure of speech is common in a wide variety of languages. In English it is found in many sources, including the Bible ("the earth was without form and void"), Shakespeare ("the flash and outbreak of a fiery mind"), and Blackstone ("[to act] with prudence and reputation as an advocate"). Sometimes it is hard to determine whether a phrase is a hendiadys (as opposed to two requirements, or a tautology, or a term of art). If a phrase is an instance of hendiadys, its meaning still has to be determined from context.
Image result for hendiadys
Monday's DJ also presented How RBG and O'Connor Defied the Odds, and Changed the World, a book review by Tyna Orren of Sisters in Law, by Linda Hirshman.

Law360 today presents 5 Things to Leave Out of Your Next Brief:
1- Information Overload
2- Why you Hate the Opposing Counsel
3- Long Lectures on Legal Standards
4- Repeated Arguments
5- Needless Words