Monday, June 10, 2024

SCOTUS disclosures

Justices Report Old Trips, Beyoncé Tickets And Royalties - Law360

  • On Thursday, Supreme Court watchdog Fix the Court released a report detailing nearly 600 gifts valued at more than $4.7 million current and former justices have received. Justice Thomas tops the list by receiving at least 193 gifts worth a total of $4 million, and up to 319 gifts totaling $5.8 million. Justice Thomas has allegedly disclosed only 8% of those gifts, according to the watchdog.
  • Justice Sonia Sotomayor has received the second-highest number of gifts out of all sitting justices at 47 items with a total value of $15,863. Justice Brett Kavanaugh is tied with retired Justice David Souter for the least number of gifts with only one. Justice Kavanaugh's gift was valued at $100, according to the watchdog.

Bali, Books, Beyonce: Supreme Court Justices Report Finances (1) (

Tickets From Beyoncé and Sweet Book Deals: Justices Divulge Income, Gifts | National Law Journal -- In financial disclosures released Friday, members of the U.S. Supreme Court revealed how they supplemented their $285,400 salaries ($298,500 for the chief justice) in 2023.

Free tickets to see Beyoncé in concert? Luxury trips to Bali? A book advance worth triple your salary? Sometimes the life of a U.S. Supreme Court justice doesn’t sound so bad.

Supreme Court’s Strains Intensify as Term’s End Approaches - WSJ