Tuesday, June 11, 2024

5th drops proposed AI rule

Reuters has 5th Circuit scraps plans to adopt AI rule after lawyers object
A federal appeals court in New Orleans on Monday said it decided not to adopt what would have been a first-of-its-kind rule at the appellate level regulating the use of generative artificial intelligence by lawyers appearing before it.

 5th Circ. Won't Adopt Rule On AI-Drafted Docs - Law360

‘Lawyers Are Always Responsible’: 5th Circuit Discards AI Disclosure Rule After Pushback | National Law Journal

Fifth Circuit Won’t Adopt AI Rule After Attorney Pushback (bloomberglaw.com)

court-decision-on-proposed-rule.pdf (uscourts.gov):

“The court, having considered the proposed rule, the accompanying comments, and the use of artificial intelligence in the legal practice, has decided not to adopt a special rule regarding the use of artificial intelligence in drafting briefs at this time.  Parties and counsel are reminded of their duties regarding their filings before the court under Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 6(b)(1)(B).  Parties and counsel are responsible for ensuring that their filings with the court, including briefs, shall be carefully checked for truthfulness and accuracy as the rules already require.  “I used AI” will not be an excuse for an otherwise sanctionable offense.”