Wednesday, July 5, 2023

NJC appellate programs


The National Judicial College has two upcoming appellate programs:

Advanced Skills for Appellate Judges, Oct. 30-Nov. 2, 2023, in Washington D.C.

And if you're there, why not just in D.C. for the

Appellate Judges Education Institute, Nov. 2-5.

Law360 has former NY Appellate Division Associate Justice Rosalyn Richter's Legal Profession Must Do More For Lawyers With Disabilities:

When I was a law student more than 40 years ago, a professor shockingly told me that I should not be a trial lawyer because clients and juries might not react well to my visible disability. I ultimately found others who supported and encouraged me, and I went on to have a successful tenure as a trial and appellate judge. But in many years on the bench, I saw very few lawyers with visible disabilities.

(Richter also was the first openly LGBTQ judge appointed to NYAD.)