Thursday, August 26, 2021

Song references in opinion?

Similar to Judge Kozinski's famous Syufy opinion (which had over 200 references to movies), Judge Lee's recent opinion regarding the Turtles (whose "iconic anthem" is Happy Together), contains references to a bunch of songs. How many can you find in the 22 pages here? (See below for some answers.)

Today's DJ profiles Fresno County Superior Court Judge Heather Jones, who was a criminal staff attorney at the Cal Supreme Court 2004-2005.

And check out the new Journal of Free Speech Law online law review (faculty-and-judge run, not by law students).

The DJ is running an ad showing that 2/8's former PJ Bigelow is now with Signature Resolution.

[Here are Turtles opinion song references that jump out on a quick read: Let It Be; Revolution; Little Help from My Friends; Great Balls of Fire; California Dreaming; Night and Day; Born in the U.S.A.; Walk the Line; Leader of the Pack; Keep me Hanging On; The Twist; Nowhere to Run; It's Now or Never; Sound of Silence; New York State of Mind; etc.] This seems like a good time to re-post this: In A Rule Against Fun, Richard Re reviews a forthcoming law review article: Nina Varsava, Professional Irresponsibility and Judicial Opinions,  __ Hous. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming, 2021), available at SSRN),