Monday, May 10, 2021

Now 9...

Today's DJ has Justice Richard Aronson will retire from 4th District, which notes:

Aronson’s departure will leave the state appellate courts with nine vacancies, according to the Judicial Council’s monthly Judicial Vacancy reports, the highest number in three years.


“After over 30 years on the bench and well over 20 years in the court of appeals as both a research attorney and justice, I thought it was time,” Aronson said Friday. “I was ambivalent. I really enjoy myself, it’s a privilege to work here. But I’m 71 and that’s a big number.” .... He said his primary goal is to spend more time with his wife and his son. Aronson said he may consider private judging or sitting on assignment. He added that he hopes Gov. Gavin Newsom appoints someone to his seat soon.

And Friday's DJ had H&L's David Axelrad in The Importance of Judicial Economy, exploring certain doctrines to keep in mind when formulating litigation in both trial courts and on appeal: Joinder of claims, claim preclusion, summary judgment/summary adjudication, coordination of actions, denial of interlocutory review, and the one final judgment rule. Learn 'em, live 'em, love 'em.

The big appellate obit news this weekend was reporting on the death of Justice Reynoso. See At the Lectern's coverage here.