Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Articles of note

Today's DJ and accompanying Labor & Employment Law Supplement offer a couple appellatey articles:
The Top L&E Lawyers Supplemental also notes appellate specialists Felix Shafir, Norm Pine, Mira Hashmall.

And today's DJ profiles LASC Judge Mary E. Kelly, who had been an ALJ on the Cal. Unemployment Appeals Board (2014-18), and clerked for 9th Cir. Judge Alarcon (1981-83), and a Justice in the Illinois 1st District Court of Appeal (1979-81).

The NLJ has: When Supreme Court Clerkships Become a FamilyTradition. More than 2,000 men and women have served as U.S. Supreme Court law clerks since Justice Horace Gray hired the first one in 1882. Here's a look at a smaller subset where a parent and a son or daughter each clerked. [NLJ] On the list: Ninth Circuit Judge John Owens clerked for RBG; his father Jack Owens clerked for Justice Powell in 1973.

only 13 women [] argue[d] before the Supreme Court this term out of 100 attorneys, marking a new low in the 12 years that Law360 has been tracking the numbers. The numbers, however, have never been great, and women have not made up even a quarter of oral advocates before the court in any given term. Last year's 21% of female advocates was a record high.
A recent survey of the biographies of Supreme Court oral advocates by an Oregon State University law student indicates that 83% of attorneys who have come before the Roberts court have been white — results that essentially mirror a 1993 survey of the high court bar. The study did not directly ask lawyers their backgrounds, so it's possible that some diversity was missed. But it's a snapshot that shows racial and ethnic diversity is still hard to find in this echelon of attorneys.
The article quotes Irell's Morgan Chu, who had his first SCOTUS argument in October.
How are video trial-court hearings going? Not perfectly, apparently. See Hacker Streams Porn Into Fla. Mask Law Hearing and SF Superior Court Hearing Infiltrated With Music, Dancing, Attendees Say