This film tells the story of a covert Navy SEAL operation to stop an imminent terrorist threat against the United States. But the warriors depicted in this film are not conventional actors; they are active-duty SEALs, allowed to participate through a special arrangement with the Navy. Act of Valor thus brings unparalleled realism to this gripping story of our country’s most elite forces.
We’ll be joined for the evening by two very special guests. Retired Navy SEAL Derrick van Orden, who plays a major role in the film and is the author of Book of Man: A Navy SEAL's Guide to the Lost Art of Manhood, will join us to discuss his service and role in the film. And Executive Producer Max Leitman (of Need for Speed, Waiting for Lightning and more) will be there to discuss how this unique and unlikely project came to be.
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Tuesday, May 9, 2017
D-Day war-flick for next KFF
The next KFF will be June 6 @ 7 p.m. and will be Act of Valor: