Wednesday, September 14, 2016

LACBA Appellate Courts Section Events

At last night's LACBA ACS annual kick-off meeting, the year's scheduled events were announced:
October 18 -- The Latest in Anti-SLAPP Appeals
November 15 -- Appellate Ethics
December -- a social event TBD
January -- Brief Writing (with a focus on format for tablet readers)
February -- Oral Argument Clinic
March 14 -- The Memorial Phil Goar Night of the Roundtables (with research attorneys from various divisions)
April 4 -- Annual lunch program with the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal Justices
May -- Probate Appeals
June -- Writs Program
Image result for stop using times new roman
Other news announced by the 2d DCA Clerk of Court:
The TrueFiling portal may become active for optional use in November.
Mandatory e-filing via TrueFiling will be postponed until January.
Also in January, there may be a new local rule about formatting, including font suggestions:
The message is "Stop using Times New Roman" and switch to something more reader friendly, like Century Schoolbook. Even the courts will be switching fonts soon too. TNR, RIP!

Today's DJ features Justice Hoffstadt's latest article, The Fourth Amendment Pendulum. "In the 1960s, the U.S. Supreme Court started to divorce Fourth Amendment protections from their grounding in common-law property rules. Now the pendulum appears to be swinging back."

In 9th Circuit news, The Recorder reports Koh Nomination Scheduled for Committee Vote about the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing set for Thursday.