“On a boulder-strewn course at altitudes above 10,000 feet, the human runner must lead and cajole a jackass carrying 33 pounds of mining gear up and down for as much as 30 miles.”
"That is as clearly an allegorical reference for a trial as any sentence I’ve ever seen.“'The hardest part of burro racing is keeping the animal motivated.' Does that or does it not, sum up your relationship with the bench?"
Today's DJ profiles SDNY Judge Rakoff, a frequent 9th Circuit pro tem, in NY District Judge Jed Rakoff often writes 9th Circuit opinions.
Since taking senior status in 2010, the judge, who is well known on the district court for his high profile rulings, especially in securities fraud cases, has sat by designation in not just the 2nd Circuit, which covers New York, but also the 3rd Circuit, and the 9th, where he sits most often.