Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Appellate article extravaganza!

Today's DJ and Recorder are chock-full of appellate goodness:
  • 4/3's Justice Eileen Moore presents Sexual Trauma in the Military
  • H&L's Kirk Jenkins offers How Have Brown's Appointees Changed the Supreme Court? (Part 2 of his series on the new justices. This piece considers Justice Leondra Kruger)
  • Hanson Bridgett's Gary Watt offers Attorney fees are costs in trial court but not on appeal, about Stratton v. Beck (2d Dist. Div. 4).
  • The Recorder's On Appeals column features CALG's Sharon Baumgold's Bring some 'Omaha' Oomph to Your Appellate Writ Petition.
As Justice Gilbert explained [in Omaha], writ relief is warranted when: (1) the issue is of widespread interest or presents a significant and novel constitutional issue; (2) the ruling deprived petitioner of the opportunity to present a substantial portion of petitioner’s cause of action; (3) conflicting trial court interpretations of the law require a resolution of the conflict; (4) the trial court’s order is both clearly erroneous as a matter of law and substantially prejudices petitioner’s case; (5) petitioner lacks an adequate means, such as a direct appeal, by which to attain relief; and (6) the petitioner will suffer harm or prejudice that cannot be corrected on appeal.
  • In more fun news, the State Bar is proposing a 30% fee hike to balance its budget. (And don't forget to get fingerprinted!)
  • Also in the news: Justice Kavanaugh's first opinion (See Kavanaugh's First Opinion Is Unanimous Win for Arbitration; DJ story: High Court rules courts cannot decided arbitrability in presence of delegation clauses), and Justice Groban's first oral argument session, on which the DJ reports: New State High Court Justice Grills Lawyers in Telecom's Fight with City: Just four days after taking the oath, new Supreme Court Justice Joshua P. Groban sat in on oral arguments for the first time, hearing a case about whether San Francisco can regulate the appearance of cell phone towers.