Monday, July 9, 2018

UCI's 8th Annual Supreme Court Term in Review

UCI's 8th Annual Supreme Court Term in Review, featuring Justice Liu, Dean Chemerinsky, Nina Totenberg, Rick Hasen, and others, will be streamed here starting at 10:30 this morning.

Today's DJ features Judge Kozinski's reminiscence Kennedy and I.

Today's DJ also has What a Judge Wants, by Joshua Williams, about legal writing and oral advocacy tips, including:
1. Be concise; cut to the chase.
2. Use a syllogism.
3. Write for the judge.
1. Be natural, but also respectful, when talking to the judge.
2. Be professional, especially when dealing with opposing counsel.
3. Never read an argument.
4. Deftly handle questions.
5. Do not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory -- "Know when to shut up!"