Friday, June 16, 2017

Cal Supremes to Launch e-filing in July

Supreme Court to launch eFiling July 10, 2017

SAN FRANCISCO—Jorge Navarrete, Court Administrator and Clerk of the Supreme Court of California today announced that the Supreme Court will launch voluntary eFiling under California Rule of Court 8.70 beginning July 10, 2017.

“The eFiling system will benefit the public, attorneys, and the court by providing a more technologically advanced and efficient process for filing and managing cases at the high court,” said Mr. Navarrete. “The court appreciates the cooperation and assistance of appellate attorneys in preparing for this major enhancement in service to litigants and legal professionals statewide.”
The court will adopt detailed eFiling Rules in June and remain open to opportunities to enhance the program in the coming year. The court will employ a phased approach to the launch of its eFiling program. Beginning on July 10 participation will be voluntary, and the program will become mandatory effective September 1, 2017.

Documents Supported by eFiling
The following documents have been approved for eFiling with the court:
  • Petitions for review;
  • Answers to petitions for review;
  • Replies to answers to petitions for review;
  • Motions, applications, and documents related to petitions for review; and
  • Automatic appeals from a judgment of death and related habeas corpus matters

Live Training and Webinars for Appellate Attorneys/Law Firms
The e-Filing service provider ImageSoft will host live training on its TrueFiling eFiling system in Los Angeles on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 (two sessions), and San Francisco on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 (three sessions). The training events will be recorded and made available online as training webinars after the sessions for those who cannot attend in person.
Registration is required to attend the training sessions (links below):
ALSO -- the Second District is planning on going to TrueFiling on October 30.