We’ll be joined that evening by two very special guests. Director Ben Lear will join us to discuss the evolution of this project and his close contact with the subjects of the film. Executive Producer Scott Budnick (of The Hangover, War Dogs and many more) will discuss both his own work on the film and his broader efforts in criminal justice reform, including founding the Anti-Recidivism Coalition.
Prior to KFF, we'll offer a tour of our historic Richard H. Chambers Courthouse. If you'd like to participate in the tour, please meet in the first floor lobby just inside the main entrance at 5:45. The tour will start promptly at 6:00 so you can finish in plenty of time to get food, drink and a good seat.
If you're interested in joining us, please RSVP by clicking this link: https://goo.gl/QqnNLi .
Also: In today's WSJ see 'Vinny' Still A Legal Ace to Lawyers -- After 25 Years, Movie Crops Up in Courts, Classrooms, which quotes Justices Scalia, Judge Janice Rogers Brown, and...
U.S. Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski says he views the film as a reassuring reminder of the presumption of innocence and "that a good lawyer can make a difference."
Judge Kozinski, who sits on the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, has organized two screenings of the film for his colleagues. He recalls that at a gathering of chief circuit judges in Washington, D.C., one judge handed everyone bags of raw grits as a "Vinny" homage.