Second, Does the possibility of oral argument "excite you or make you nauseous? If you are excited by the thought of being peppered with questions by several people in robes, keep reading."
Third, Do you have a mentor with the time and experience to help you? I.e., have an appellate specialist on speed-dial.
Fourth, Is it really in your client's best interests for you to handle the appeal? "Be honest with your client about your level of appellate experience. If [your client] still wants you to handle it and you have answered in the affirmative to the first three questions, you might want to give it a try."
A sound analysis! (Also, Chapter/Tip 81, Make Your Record For Appeal, is a good one too, noting: "A word of warning. Most attorneys right out of law school are more familiar with appeals than they are with trial work. Evidence does not magically appear in the appellate record. You need to put it there ...." And Chapter/Tip 80, Know When to Sit Down and Shut Up, speaks for itself...)