Adjust the height; then hang on for dear life... |
Supreme Court Specialists, Mostly Male, Dominated Arguments This Term. That's the title of Tony Mauro's Supreme Court Brief piece today recapping the advocates who helmed the Great Lectern this past SCOTUS term. "Bancroft’s leading advocate, former Solicitor General Paul Clement, went to the lectern six times between October and April. Partner Erin Murphy had two arguments.
Speaking of SCOTUS, and to counter the male-dominated theme of this post: A few years ago (10/28/2013, to be exact) the National Portrait Gallery put on public display Nelson Shank's The Four Justices, a 7x5.5 foot painting of you-know-who. Sure, you could pull some nice pics off the internet; but here's a recent photo, hot-off-the-iPhone, your humble correspondent snapped last week: