Also in town hearing arguments in Pasadena this week are the following local and out-of-town judges: Tashima, Fernandez, Silverman, Graber, Farris, Bea, M.Smith, Sentelle (D.C. Cir.), Tymkovich (10th Cir.), Ezra (W.D. Tex. nee D. Hawaii), Settle (W.D. Wash.), Rogers (N.D. Cal.), Mendoza (E.D. Wash.), and Dorsey (D. Nev.).
As blogger USD Professor Shaun Martin often says, you can learn a lot about the world by reading appellate decisions! Want a lesson on the structure of the Episcopal Church? Click here to learn all about how the Primate of the Church of England is the Archbishop of Canterbury. Or if your tastes run less ecclesiastical and more prurient, click here to find out (in this published opinion) how college kids misbehave these days.