Here's a link to Bed's latest column,
Dealing with Doubt, addressing the struggle between giving the benefit of doubt (i.e., according deference) versus growing wiser and recognizing that such deference is, well, dumb. And once again proving he's a devotee of all sports, there's even a reference to roller derby! Feeling behind the curve? Check out the 2009 movie
Whip It (based on the novel Derby Girl) which is both entertaining and educational (if you want to understand roller derby).

Looking for more fun reading? Look no further than the March 2016 edition of
Appellate Issues, the ABA's CAL publication
Today's DJ features PJ Gilbert's column titled
Same Hearing, Different Universe, about the "Arthur L. Gilbert" who was listed in the program for Justice Tangeman's confirmation hearing. In a bit of turnabout, the column mentions this blawg's post about the mysterious "Arthur L."
Wendy Chang has thsi op-ed:
Asian California Judges Should be Considered for Supreme Court in the San Diego Union-Tribune.