Most enjoyable are the funny typos. The old Tricky Typos article here mentioned how there are dozens of cases involving "retaliation clams." But what about the "payment of monkey"?
Yes, that exists too: 89 Ohio App.3d 444, 445.
Have any good ones to share? Send 'em in!
Have any good ones to share? Send 'em in!
Yes, you can find an image of anything online. |
In other writing news, Myron Moskovitz offers Pare Back Your Brief, The Court Will Thank You, in The Recorder. He dispels the notion that "Weight is Great!" and urges lawyers to excise unnecessary cases, useless dates, etc.
Myron exhorts, "sculpt the elephant"! |
[9/17 update More Moskovitz: Today's DJ features When Should Clients Pursue an Appeal?]
The MetNews & LACBA's Senior Lawyers Section will be presenting a Magna Carta Exhibition at the Huntington Library on October 3, 5:30. Click here for details. Reservations due by Sept. 24.