Yesterday, 2/5's PJ Paul Turner sent the following email, for which he "waives his HIPPA rights" (his words, of course), and shares with the appellate community:
As many of you know, I have been attempting to secure a liver transplant as a possible cure for the recurring liver cancer I have been experiencing for the past two years. Such a drastic surgery is fraught with substantial risks that I need not detail here. But it was the best option I have.

The bottom line though is that due to a spread of the
cancer to two lymph nodes, I cannot now get a transplant anywhere due to
federal Department of Health and Human Services transplant regulations. And believe me, it would be a bad idea on
the merits; a really bad idea. My
U.C.L.A. doctors and I are today proceeding to start Plan B to attack the
Over the past years, so many of you have been kind with
your offers of prayers, thoughts, and best and/or good wishes. The kind gestures of care and encouragement
evidenced by smiles, thumbs ups, damp eyes (yes, our eyes give us away
sometimes), hugs, pats on the back, touching cards or notes, thoughtful e-mails
and the like are the things of life for which there are no words.
Three Things.
First, I look forward to service on our court as long as I can do so in
compliance with the legitimate productivity expectations of the good people we
serve. With good fortune and the
unrelenting fervor of my doctors, that can be many, many years--we will
see. Second, feel free to send this
e-mail to those who may be interested outside of our court.
Third, there is no reason to e-mail me back right
now. I am working full time and will be
around and we can talk. Also, when
people start e-mailing back, they mistakenly click on "Return All"
and it ends up going all over the court and we spend the day deleting everybody
else's e-mails, the e-mail system slows down and I get chewed out by the court