Friday, January 16, 2015

Plaintiff PJ Mallano (ret.) has class

Today's Recorder has California Judges Clear Major Hurdle in Salary Lawsuit, about retired 2/1 PJ Robert Mallano's case, in which a class was certified yesterday. (The DJ has L.A. judge certifies class in judges' retirement case, noting that Mallano estimated the state owes judges $10 to $15K each, would could add up to over $50M. And Law360 has Calif. Judges Win Cert. In Suit For Pay, Pension Bumps.) From The Recorder's article:
As of Jan. 1, 2014, California’s appellate judges earned the highest salaries in the nation. The state’s trial judges made $181,292, the fifth highest in the country—although when adjusted for the cost of living, they brought in $134,615.
But under California law, judicial salary increases should have been mandatory to mirror the percentage raises given to state employees after fiscal year 2008-09, according to the complaint. Mallano, who retired on Feb. 28, said that in November he received a 1.4 percent salary increase retroactive to 2013 but not for earlier years.

Comes now the Plaintiff et alia to sayeth:
"Show me the money!"