Cal Supreme Court
- 94 opinions published
- 16 Court of Appeal opinions depublished
- overall petitions for review = 4% "grant" rate (grants + grant & hold + grant & transfer)
- civil PFRs = 6% grant rate
- rehearings granted = 0 for 17 (you have to go back to 2007 to find a grant)
- Stats you want to know but that aren't reported = time on docket, reversal rate, ...

Cal Courts of Appeal
- 9% of all opinions were published
- 17% for civil appeals, with 3d at 23% and 2d at 15%
- 3d has a 50% publication rate for original proceedings!
- Median time from notice of appeal in civil case to opinion, Statewide = 469 days
- Fastest is 4/3 at 393 days; slowest is 3d at 607 days
- Civil reversal rate = 18%
(affirmance rate = 79%, 3% of appeals dismissed)