Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The 5 Types of Appellate Briefs You Don't Want to Write

In today's Recorder Cameron Gilbert (director of Counsel Press Legal Research Group) offers The Five Types of Appellate Briefs You Don't Want to Write. In short, his dreadful quintet are:

1. The See-What-Sticks Brief -- Defect = presenting too many issues.
2. The Remix Brief -- Defect = merely converts trial briefing into appellate briefing.
3. The Frankenstein Brief -- Defect = too many cut-and-pastes from too many other docs.
4. The Too-Many-Cooks Brief -- Defect = multiple collaborators prevent a harmonious brief.
5. The Un-Brief Brief -- Defect = not enough editing, resulting in a wordy, rambling document.

And how does one serve a Franken-brief?