Last night the Orange County Bar Association Appellate Law Section presented an enjoyable and edifying hour-long mcle program by Dean Erwin Chemerinksy (UCI) and former Chapman Dean John Eastman about the past and coming terms at the U.S. Supreme Court. (Dr. Eastman had the good sense to update the audience on the Dodgers' playoff game as the evening progressed.)
But before the mcle component of the evening, the David G. Sills Award for Appellate Excellence was presented to Rick Derevan, after thoughtful and touching presentations by Justice Ikola, Marge Fuller, and Robin Meadow. In short, all household names in the SoCal appellate community in a room full of "regulars." Special mention to Nate Scott (founder of this blog, and now an OCSC judge) for his hilarious introductory remarks and to M.C. Sungaila for punning on her own name as the initial m.c. for the program.
And speaking of momentous awards and M.C., congrats to her for receiving the inaugural Judith Soley Lawyer as Citizen Award from the California Women Lawyers last week at the State Bar convention in San Jose!