In other Justice Mosk news, note that he will taking the place of a recused Justice Liu when the Supreme Court hears the In re Stephen Glass case next month.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Justice Mosk & the Warren Commission
Last Friday's DJ had a column/book review from Justice Mosk (The Warren Commission's Process Revealed) about the approaching anniversary of JFK's assassination. Justice Mosk was a member of the Warren Commission staff, hired essentially as a first year associate, so his perspective is especially valuable. He finds the book "History Will Prove Us Right: Inside the Warren Commission Report on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy," by Howard Willens, "revealing and intriguing," "well-written," and "compelling."

In other Justice Mosk news, note that he will taking the place of a recused Justice Liu when the Supreme Court hears the In re Stephen Glass case next month.
In other Justice Mosk news, note that he will taking the place of a recused Justice Liu when the Supreme Court hears the In re Stephen Glass case next month.