Wednesday, September 4, 2024

DJ Top 100 & free oral argument mcle

Today's DJ has the Top 100 Lawyers 2024 insert, which (as always) includes some particularly appellatey lawyers; so congrats to: Jimmy Azadian, Ted Boutrous, Theane Evangelis, Mira Hashmall, Michael Rubin.

Also on the list is Mat Rosengart who happens to have an article in today's papers titled Clerking for Justice Souter: A journey of luck, brilliance, and enduring friendship

Also of note: On October 7 @ noon to 1, the California Appellate Advocacy Program SCOCA Insights Series presents (in person at UC Law SF's Baxter Courtroom and via Zoom) a Free 1-hour CLE program on Preparing for Oral Argument: Three former clerks for the California Supreme Court share their insights and tips on preparing for oral argument.