Wednesday, July 10, 2024

3 retired PJs reflect

LACBA's Appellate Courts Section presents Reflections on Over 20 Years on the Court of Appeal -- Retired LASC Judge Clifford Klein will moderate a discussion on September 25 (noon to 1 via Zoom; one hour of Appellate Specialization MCLE) with three former 2d District PJs--Tricia Bigelow, Dennis Perluss, and Laurence Rubin--about their observations on how the court has changes, their toughest cases, and their most important decisions.

Bloomberg Law has Writings Show Conservative Justices Differ Even When in Majority (

  • The justices penned more concurring opinions, 62, than majority ones, 59, this term, accounting for almost 40% of total decisions issued in argued cases

  • The high number of concurrences—three or more in eight cases—suggests conservatives are feeling freer to voice their own views in writing separately rather than just signing up with a majority. The increase also might signal that Chief Justice John Roberts has less control over opinion writing than when the court was split 5-4.