Monday, July 1, 2024

3 arguments in 7 days

The DJ has He Did What? Attorney Julian Poon tackled three different appellate arguments in just seven days last month.

  • On June 5, Poon argued in front of the California Supreme Court in Los Angeles ....
  • Poon then traveled a few days later to San Francisco, where on June 10 he argued in the morning before a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel ....
  • Later that afternoon, Poon flew to San Diego, where on the morning of June 11 he argued in front of a 4th District Court of Appeal, Division 1 panel ....
  • “It was intense but exhilarating, and I’d do it all over again,” Poon said of the whirlwind tour of the state. “Although if I had my druthers, I wouldn’t mind spacing each one out a few days more. But if it has to be back-to-back like that, bring it on. I love it, and I love what I do.”
The DJ also has PJ Gilbert's A day in the life -- The justice reflects on a Sunday morning ritual, maintaining standards of excellence in the legal profession and the loss of a lifelong friend.

The Recorder has The Tough Part About the Transition to the Bench … and Then to the Appellate Bench--Speaking at the federal courthouse in Seattle last week, Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Mary Murguia and her colleagues Consuelo Callahan and Kim McLane discussed their career paths and the biggest challenge about taking on trial and appellate court roles.