Monday, May 20, 2024

DJ profiles PJ Earl: "We've righted the ship."

Today's DJ has Presiding Justice Laurie Earl has transformed the 3rd District Court of Appeal -- She was also instrumental in leading Sacramento Superior Court through the COVID-19 pandemic and a budget crisis. (Prior DJ profiles ran 9/5/2016 and 2/27/2007.)

Earl was confirmed as the new presiding justice 13 months after Raye left. Eisenberg recently dove back into the 3rd District's performance numbers.

"The court's turnabout since Administrative Presiding Justice Earl took charge has been quite remarkable," Eisenberg said. "Most cases are now being calendared for oral argument between three and five months after the completion of briefing, whereas previously it could take years, and opinion production for each justice is substantially exceeding the statewide average. Kudos to the 3rd District."

Law260 has Solicitor General Says No High Court Case Is 'Hopeless' about comments by SG Prelogar on Saturday at the 47th Colorado Annual Women's Bar Association convention:

I have never argued a case where I thought it was entirely hopeless and there was no room for effective advocacy," said Prelogar, who was nominated by President Joe Biden in 2021 and is the second woman to serve as the federal government's top litigator. "I always think that there is room to try to shape the opinion and the way that the court thinks about the case, to try to potentially mitigate the effects of a decision, to try to point the court to a narrower ruling, or to carve out specific applications," Prelogar continued.