Monday, December 19, 2022

SCOTUS Reporter Marcia Coyle Retires reports Veteran Supreme Court Reporter Marcia Coyle Retires -- Coyle has covered the nation's highest court for The National Law Journal for nearly three decades. She writes: I will continue to provide analysis for PBS NewsHour and perhaps occasionally for the National Law Journal. You can reach me at:

Closer to home, here's a death-knell appealability opinion.

In non-retirement news, Beds' latest is Oral Argument: Better than Oral Surgery?
  • the quality of the lawyering I see is really good these days. Appellate practice has grown from a niche to a specialty. I’m generally reading the work of lawyers who like to write and are good at it.
  • I have now cancelled three retirements. ... I just sent out my check to put my name on the ballot for a fourth term.
  • Oral arguments are hard blanking work. ... We change our minds on cases every month. And there are often moments of humor. But it’s hard work for us.
  • Justice William Rylaarsdam used to say, “Thirty minutes, Counsel? Was your briefing that bad?”