Monday, October 31, 2022

Appellate tidbits has more on Judge Rawlinson in Why This Judge Says Law Schools Should Reassess Their Admissions Process

  • Judge Rawlinson said schools should ask if the LSAT should be given less weight in the admissions process.
  • Her comments come as the ABA considers a proposal that would give law schools the choice of whether to require LSAT scores in admissions.
  • Proponents of the change say the LSAT can exclude diverse applicants from law schools.

WAPO has Historically diverse Supreme Court hears disproportionately from White lawyers

Black and Hispanic attorneys are starkly underrepresented among Supreme Court litigators, according to a Washington Post analysis of lawyers who have delivered oral arguments in recent years. Women are also significantly underrepresented. And there are particularly few women of color.
Law360 has Miriam Krinsky On The Work Of Reform-Minded Prosecutors 

  • Miriam Krinsky, a former federal prosecutor who is now the executive director of the nonprofit Fair and Just Prosecution, recently came out with a book chronicling the lives and work of prosecutors throughout the U.S. who have used the power of their offices to pursue a reformist vision of criminal justice.
  • Krinsky spent 15 years as a federal prosecutor in the mid-Atlantic and Los Angeles, where she helped implement reform measures within the Los Angeles Police Department. As an assistant U.S. attorney for the Central District of California, she served as chief of the general crimes and criminal appellate sections. Today, she is part of the American Law Institute's sentencing project advisory group and the ALI Principles of Policing advisory group.