Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Justice Amy Coney Barrett in SoCal

Yesterday SCOTUS Justice Amy Coney Barrett was here in SoCal for an interview you can watch here: On Stage at the Reagan Library 

[4/6 update: Law360 has Amy Coney Barrett Opens Up On 'Scrutiny' Of Being A Justice -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett gave rare and revealing remarks on the "intense scrutiny" that came with being thrust into the national spotlight after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death in 2020, including the lengths she went to dodge the media and why she misses being "just Amy" from South Bend, Indiana.]

Today's DJ has Marco Turk's article titled A question of ethics: How long will SCOTUS continue to get a “free pass?” -- "It is inconceivable but true that SCOTUS is the only judicial entity in the land that does not have a binding set of ethics controlling how it operates."

And see (in Washingtonian magazine) What's Really Going On With The Supreme Court? Expert Linda Greenhouse offers insight into a transformed court.