Plenty out there on Senate Confirms Jackson As 1st Black Woman On High Court but how about what comes next? See Bloomberg's Biden Turns to Lower Court Backlog After Jackson Confirmation (noting that there are 3 vacancies on the 9th Circuit without any nominees):
Of the 110 current and expected district and circuit vacancies, another 86 await nominations. Openings without a nominee pending include three seats on the California-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, two on the New Orleans-based Fifth Circuit, and a chance to shift the balance of the Philadelphia-based Third Circuit.
And see Baseball Caps & Unmade Beds: Judges Talk Virtual Decorum:
- A trio of federal judges warned lawyers at an American Bar Association conference in Austin, Texas, on Thursday to be aware of the ethical challenges and professional pitfalls caused by an uptick in virtual hearings and social media use in the courtroom.
- Second Circuit Judge Denny Chin, former Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Sidney Thomas and Chief Judge for the Southern District of Texas Lee Rosenthal spoke on a panel on legal malpractice, telling the audience about the loss of decorum they've seen since virtual video platforms like Zoom have increased in popularity since COVID-19 shut down courtrooms in the spring of 2020.
Finally, don't miss Bryan Garner's Grammar Rules: The case of the unhyphenated phrasal adjectives:
Before Sterling, C.J.; Fussbudget, J.; Anomie, J.; Martinet, J.; and Waffler, J.