Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Key Developments in CA Appellate Practice 2021

CEB's annual Key Developments in Appellate Practice is now available (90-minute webinar recorded Jan. 6, 2022) with presentations by Justices Hoffstadt and Kim. CEB subscribers can access it via the programs link: 

Speaking of Justice Hoffstadt, today's DJ has his Breadcrumbs or apple seeds?
Some (but not all) judges on occasion seem to place language in their opinions that can serve as breadcrumbs (because the language is meant to reinforce existing precedent) or as apple seeds (because the language can be cited in a subsequent case as justification or support for a new rule of law the judge may wish to be adopted in the latter case).

The Recorder's On Appeals column by CALG's Charles Kagay has Obscure Procedural Nooks and Crannies about the writ of coram vobis.