Just in time for December holidays: A Supreme Court recipe for eggnog, unearthed from the papers of Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone.
Ingredients:12 eggs
1 gallon milk
Ground nutmeg
1 lb. sugar
1 quart whiskey
½ pint brandy
1/8 pint rum
Separate egg yolks from whites
Cream yolks of eggs and sugar together
Add whiskey, brandy and rum. Beat well
Add milk, stir well
Add nutmeg to taste
Beat whites of eggs very light
Add the beaten whites of eggs and stir in well
Notes: If put in cold place, it will keep for 30 days. Never use all cream. Cream contains large percentage of fat. If made of all cream, the eggnog will become rancid. Be sure to add whiskey, brandy and rum before adding milk.
SCAN footnote: Do not draft briefs or opinions immediately after consuming!