Book review: Hot off the press, today's mail brings a copy of Advanced Topics in Appellate Practice: The Path of Mastery, by the late Charles A. Bird, published by Fastcase's Full Court Press (2021).
Bird's Advanced Topics in Appellate Practice promises much and delivers more. In a dozen tightly constructed chapters, he significantly adds to the literature of appellate practice by focusing on the quantum leap from mere 'best practices' to the absolute finest of practices. Donning the mantle of Jedi Zen Master, Bird guides the reader down paths beyond technical mastery to the heights of artistry, pursuing excellence to a nearly spiritual realm. Drawing on a career's worth of distilled wisdom and experience, with support from the latest in cognitive science, this inspiring magnum opus tackles topics never or rarely addressed elsewhere, and sheds innovative light on classic questions. For practitioners ready to transcend from upper-division skillsets and strategies to graduate-level artisanal craft and philosophy, Bird's words are worth devouring and savoring.