Thursday, June 3, 2021

SAJEC needs your input!

LACBA’s State Appellate Judicial Evaluation Committee (SAJEC) is vetting three potential appointees to the Second District Court of Appeal:  Rex Heinke, Hon. Holly Thomas, and Hon. Gregory Weingart.  Anyone wishing to provide input on the potential appointees’ qualifications is welcome to fill out the evaluation forms linked below, or to contact committee chair Alana Rotter at

Also note, today's DJ has FRAPs do not allow district court to alter allocation of costs, by Hoge Fenton's Dennis Zell, about SCOTUS's City of San Antonio v.

In other SCOTUS news: The Court today announced that Kathleen L. Arberg, Public Information Officer of the Supreme Court of the United States, will retire on July 3 after serving 22 years as Public Information Officer and a total 40 years in the federal judiciary, 38 years spent at the Supreme Court.