Speaking of law students, the BHBA Supreme Court & Scholarship Luncheon will be virtual this year on June 3 from noon to 12:30. And it's free. Register here to see remarks from the Chief and others as they honor the 2021 scholarship winners from the SoCal Big 5 (Loyola, Pepperdine, Southwestern, UCLA and USC).
In other law school news Law.com has Chicago Law School Sends SCOTUS Heavyweight John Marshall Packing:
John Marshall is getting the boot—from Chicago’s only public law school, that is. The University of Illinois board of trustees on May 20 approved dropping the John Marshall moniker from one of its law schools, which is currently called the University of Illinois at Chicago John Marshall Law School. On July 1, the law school will officially be called the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law, the university announced.
[The Wall St. Journal's story is Forgetting Justice Marshall.]