Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Fed Stats review

Table B-4 shows that the median time from the appellee's brief to oral argument (or submission w/o argument) in the Ninth Circuit is 11 months. To compare, the next longest time is 6.2 months in the 8th Circuit; the rest of the circuits are all below 5.4 months, with many in the 2 to 4 range.

Table B-4A shows that the median time for civil appeals in the 9th Circuit from last appellee's brief to oral arg (or submission) is 8.5 months. This is the slowest, with the 4th Circuit at 8.2 months, and other circuits ranging from 2.3 (1st) to 6.7 (8th), with most in the 2 to 5 month range.

Don't mind waiting, if it's for something good?!

Table B-5 shows a 13.7% reversal rate for civil appeals in the 9th Circuit.

Table B-12 shows a 93.3% unpublished rate for the 9th Circuit. The 4th is at 93.1%, the 11th is at 91.5%, the lowest is the D.C. Cir. with only 60.1% unpublished.