The NLJ's Supreme Court Brief has noted some interesting books recently:
Ginsburg's Final Project: 'Justice, Justice, Thou Shalt Prevail'Three weeks before Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, the justice and her former clerk and co-author Amanda Tyler submitted the final manuscript of a book that few realized would encapsulate the justice’s final thoughts and words on her life and legacy in the law. The book, “Justice, Justice, Thou Shalt Prevail,” will be published March 16, a day after what would have been Ginsburg’s 88th birthday. Its publication actually has more to do with Ginsburg’s 50-year friendship with the late Herma Hill Kay, a former dean of the University of California Berkeley School of Law than her own desire for a book about herself, said Tyler who teaches at UC Berkeley.

A New Book on Law Clerks, With a Twist
Todd Peppers, public affairs professor at Roanoke College and visiting law professor at Washington and Lee School of Law, is the ranking scholar on Supreme Court law clerks, having written or co-edited three books on the subject, titled “Courtiers of the Marble Palace,” “Of Courtiers & Kings,” and “In Chambers.” He has branched out a bit with his latest and fourth book, “Of Courtiers and Princes,” which comprises essays by law clerks who served lower federal court judges and some state court judges as well. But law clerks at lower levels sometimes make their way up the ladder, so anecdotes in the book and how Peppers gleaned information have a Supreme Court angle.