In today's DJ Hirbod Rashidi has Writing is Becoming More Significant During the COVID-19 Crisis, which notes a recent order in one of his appeals (E071141) from 4/2:
Not long after the COVID-19 social-distancing rules and closures came into effect, we received a notice and order from the court giving us four options: (1) waive oral argument, (2) submit oral argument telephonically, (3) submit oral argument in written format, or (4) postpone until such time the court can resume regular business.And today's Extra Exceptionally Appeal Column is Remotely Interesting, with tips for remote appellate arguments.
[4/29 Update: See 5 Tips for Lawyers Preparing for Remote Arguments, by M.C. Sungaila; and from SCOTUSblog don't miss Courtroom Access: Laboratories for Live Streaming. See also here about virtual appearances on a TV show {hat tip to Dan Barer}.]