Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Emergency motions v. not-really-so-urgent

Image result for rainbows and unicorns

“The world is facing a real emergency. Plaintiff is not.”
Steven Seeger, U.S. District in the Northern District of Illinois, in rejecting a motion for an emergency TRO filed to halt the sales of knockoff unicorn and dragon art.

Judge Rebukes Unicorn Artist's Motion as 'Insensitive to Others in the Current Environment'

A plaintiffs lawyer bringing an emergency motion for a temporary restraining order to halt sales of knockoff unicorn and dragon art got a sharp rebuke from U.S. District Judge Steven Seeger, in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. “If there’s ever a time when emergency motions should be limited to genuine emergencies, now’s the time," he wrote.

Next week's arguments will mark the first time the public can listen to the action without being in the courthouse.