- Since the time of the bull session with Professors Winkler and Yoo, we now know the many issues the Supreme Court will hear this term. They include rights of gay and transgender employees in the workplace, DACA regulations, and abortion rights. Anyone certain about how these cases will be decided? I am chastened by game 5. "Go Dodgers" has a hollow ring. So does certainty.
Today's DJ also profiles LASC Judge Emily Garcia Uhrig, who worked as a 9th Circuit staff attorney (2001-2006), in Do No Harm: "Throughout an eclectic career in academia, as a public defender, and now as a judge, Emily Garcia Uhrig says she has always had a mind for restorative justice."
Law.com also reports: Liberal Group, Shunning Big Law, Pitches 32 SCOTUS Shortlisters.
Law.com also reports: Liberal Group, Shunning Big Law, Pitches 32 SCOTUS Shortlisters.
- The Demand Justice list includes three California Supreme Court justices: Leondra Kruger; Goodwin Liu and Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar.
The SCOTUS Summer 2019 Map shows that only Justice Gorsuch visited SoCal this summer:
- a September 10 conversation and book signing at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute in Simi Valley, followed by two speaking engagements the next day at Pepperdine Law School in Malibu and the Richard Nixon Library & Museum in Yorba Linda.