Monday, September 9, 2019

A Bigger 9th Circuit?

Today's DJ has Might GOP and Democrats agree on bigger 9th Circuit?

  • Image result for 9th circuit logo
    The successful confirmation of President Donald Trump's latest 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals nominee, Oregon state judge Danielle Hunsaker, would fully staff the circuit's 29 active judicial posts for the first time since 2015. But repeated recommendations from the federal courts' administrative body suggest that full complement of authorized judges still leaves the circuit lacking needed bench officers.
  • The Judicial Conference of the United States, which considers court rules and policy, recommended in March Congress authorize five additional judgeships for the San Francisco-based circuit. has Noel Francisco Discusses How He Prepares for the Nation's Biggest SCOTUS Hearings.

And here's a great line (from this case today): "Like an epistolary novel, this case unfolds as a series of letters."
On the topic of literary opinions, don't miss this published one from the 9th Circuit! Complete with "chapters" and preliminary quotations!
<9/11/19 update: And see the dissent here.>