Here's today's official announcement
CM/ECF Issues
Due to the unavailability of CM/ECF on Monday 23 September and Tuesday 24 September, all discretionary deadlines (briefs, motions, Petitions for Rehearing etc) from September 23 and 24 are hereby extended until 11:59PM (PDT) on Wednesday September 25, 2019.
To the extent you were attempting to file a document with a mandatory and jurisdictional deadline, for example a Petition for Review from an agency or a Petition for Permission to Appeal, please keep a record of your attempts to file timely. See Circuit Rule 25-5(d)(2) (Timeliness. An electronic filing successfully completed by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time will be entered on the Court’s docket as of that date. The Court’s Appellate ECF system determines the date and time a filing is completed. If technical failure prevents timely electronic filing of any document, the filing party shall preserve documentation of the failure and seek appropriate relief from the Court.) Please file any such document with a declaration as to your attempt to file it timely.
In other Ninth Circuit news, The Recorder notes Another Trump Ninth Circuit Nominee Takes Step Toward Confirmation -- "Oregon state court Judge Danielle Hunsaker, a former clerk for Ninth Circuit Judge Diarmuid O'Scannlain, took largely friendly questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee during a confirmation hearing Wednesday."