Monday, August 26, 2019

CJP: The Defense Rests

Today's DJ has Defense Rests After Justice Forcefully Defends Actions -- "Rebuttal witnesses called by the examiners are expected to testify Monday." [8/27 Update: another day, another DJ article....]

Claudia Ribet offers Appeals in Family Law Before a Final Judgment is Entered about the 
"statutory exception to the "one final judgment rule" for interim rulings in a dissolution, nullity or legal separation proceeding. When the trial court bifurcates an issue for separate trial or hearing prior to disposition of the entire case, the Court of Appeal "may order an issue or issues transferred to it for hearing and decision when the court that heard the issue or issues certifies that the appeal is appropriate.""

NLJ has At The Crossroads: A Look Ahead at the New U.S. Supreme Court Term